Measles and MMR Vaccination

This information is taken from the Gov.UK Green Book which has the latest information on vaccines and vaccination procedures for vaccine preventable infectious diseases in the UK.

The Green Book is guidance issued by HM Treasury - Green Book of Immunisation - Chapter 21 Measles (

The decision on when to vaccinate older adults needs to take into consideration the past vaccination history, the likelihood of an individual remaining susceptible and the future risk of exposure and disease: 

●● individuals who were born in the UK between 1980 and 1990 may not be protected against mumps but are likely to be vaccinated against measles and rubella. They may never have received a mumps-containing vaccine or had only one dose of MMR and had limited opportunity for exposure to natural mumps. They should be recalled and given MMR vaccine. If this is their first dose, a further dose of MMR should be given from one month later 

●● individuals born between 1970 and 1979 may have been vaccinated against measles and many will have been exposed to mumps and rubella during childhood. However, this age group should be offered MMR wherever feasible, particularly if they are considered to be at high risk of exposure. Where such adults are being vaccinated because they have been demonstrated to be susceptible to at least one of the vaccine components, then either two doses should be given, or there should be evidence of seroconversion to the relevant antigen

●● individuals born before 1970 are likely to have had all three natural infections and are less likely to be susceptible. MMR vaccine should be offered to such individuals on request or if they are considered to be at high risk of exposure. Where such adults are being vaccinated because they have been demonstrated to be susceptible to measles or rubella, then either two doses should be given or there should be evidence of seroconversion to the relevant antigen






Published on 8 February 2024